Sunday, January 10, 2010

My First Weekend OR Hey, I don't need to iron my shirts!

My first weekend in Germany has been a nice quiet one.
Attempts to meet with a friend from back home that happens to be in this city at the same time as me have failed a few times, and that's OK. There's plenty of time for meeting her and with other people.
I spent most of Saturday inside, working on the Rosetta Stone for German and watching German TV. I still can't get most of what they're saying, but I have a feeling I soon will. Other that that, Saturday was pretty uneventful. My host and my apartment-mate (I really can't think of a good term, because we're technically not roommates) each watched a movie at separate times Saturday and tried to get me to watch with them. I tried, but still understand so little it wasn't very useful.
Sunday was more eventful. As I prepared to leave in the morning it occured to me that I need not feel as bad as I have for having unironed shirts, even my nice ones. Reason being I'm always wearing at least one layer over it, even in class, so noone can notice. A little weight off my shoulders.I went to a flea market and actually asked for directions in German, and understood juuuust enough of the responses to actually make my way there. I know that wouldn't have happened a week ago. And one thing that definitely was not doable for me until recently was the random conversation I had with a fellow traveler. We both bitched about the cold together and discusses how many layers of clothes we were wearing. I explained I was from Florida and not used to wearing layers and did not have much cold-weather clothing. The woman told me where I could find some. It was nice to be able to do something so basic as share the weather and my feelings on it with someone. I might add that the German "Mir ist kalt" is the correct way to say you are cold, instead of the nominative "Ich bin kalt" which would denote you have a Scrooge-like demeanor. Until Friday I'd have screwed that up out of ignorance. Yay progress!
I finally got myself a scarf, so I'm not using one of my apartment-mate's. It's 100% alpaca, or so it claims. I don't think it's soft enough to be alpaca, but it certainly is itchy like wool. Either way it wasn't that expensive and is rather warm, so I'm happy. I also got myself some proper gloves and some "alpaca"-wool socks as a present for someone that likes itchy (but warm) things.
I finally took the city tram when trying to get back home after that, and promptly got on the wrong tram (which I would not discover until about 3 stops later.) I then got on the wrong U-bahn at that station, then made an incorrect transfer after that during my attempt to start heading back home. A bit of reading, slow translating on my phone, and map studying later I had the correct bearings and made it back fairly quickly.
After that, which is right now as I type this actually, I plan (plan? Did I shift from narrative past to present tense? Sure, why not...) on studying and hopefully hearing from my friend from Florida and either meeting with her tonight or getting a German-language version of The Producers to watch. Either way it ought be fun.


  1. This is SO great, reading this blog. Your time in Berlin sounds just like my first week in Paris, and it is gratifying that you are tackling the same issues with the same attitude I had. I had to figure out EVERYTHING but just kept going and trying and experimenting and in the end it was a fantastic adventure. Enjoy this. Hope you are taking lots of pics! You'll want them later. Take pics of the flohmarkt etc.
