Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Museum trip!

Monday was fairly normal, for what normal now is. I went to class and did little special afterwards, but came back home and studied. Rather boring.
However, on Tuesday, I got to go to my first museum here in Germany! It was the Pergamom Museum, and it has a lot of large architectural finds there from ancient babylon and those areas. I will post some pictures a bit later on my Flickr account so those interested can see, but it was very interesting.
My favorite part was not the architecture, and certainly not the hourlong tour in which I understood perhaps only 1% of what the tour guide said, but the samples of ancient writing.
I saw with my own eyes for the first time actual Cuneiform! I think. I mean, I know it was Cuneiform, but may have seen it elsewhere. I also saw some ancient Aramaic, and I took note that some of the symbols greatly resembled to me some of the more Far-Eastern writing systems.
I spend a good while wandering around and taking in the museum and went home, rather happy. Now if only I could understand what the tour guide said...
I feel like I am making progress on German. At first it was very fast, remembering everything I once forgot. Now it is slower, like building a pyramid with nothing but logs and rope. I am pressing onward, though, not just because I cannot stayy home all day but because I want to conquer this language. I really truly desire to be able to speak, read and write it. And so I shall.

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