Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 1: Was hat sie gesagt?

My first full day here in Germany!
I woke up early, partially because of the lack of being on schedule, and got ready with plenty of time to be at class on time. Ben (my roommate) and I grabbed a pastry and drink from a local bakery on our way out, and I have rediscovered the joys of foreign bakeries. Everything looks great, I have no idea what it is, and whatever I pick ends up being a great choice.
Public transportation is very on-time here. The stations have electronic signs saying when a train is to come by, and they're always there when they say they will be. Everything is well marked, too, which is fantastic.
I arrived at the Goethe Institute very early, and had to wait a bit to take my placement test. When I took it, I became distraught. It was an actual test, in German! Presumably some basic stuff, answer questions based on a reading and such, but I couldn't understand the questions, answers, or anything save for the occasional word. I was worried. After the test came an interview, and that went much better, because the woman interviewing me adjusted her German to my level, the cobbled-together and small words level. We understood one another well enough, and I was ultimately placed into the class that's right above beginner.
The class was already under way when I walked in and took a seat, and I immediately became worried again. The teacher was speaking in German only, and everyone didn't look as confused as me. I would later find out that they were just as confused, so I found the right class. It also turns out that we weren't expected to understand all or even most of what the teacher said, as long as we got some of it and most of the general ideas. By the end of class I was understanding enough to grasp the concept of what we were going over, which was how "because" works in German. What German I once learned is trickling back, and I was noticeably more attuned to the language (albeit still utterly incompetent) by the end of class.
After class I went to a local lunch place, something of a pizzeria, that had amazing specials. All the pasta and pizza dishes were about half off, everything at just over 4 euros. Which is amazing. I sat with people of all nationalities at my long table and spoke in English with a few that could, and horribly broken German with the others. We all got varied dishes, each looking absolutely amazing. I got a salmon pizza, which was rather odd, but good. After that a few of us wandered around to a few stores, me looking for shoes and a backpack and the others nothing in particular. I found some nice shoes at prices so high I stumbled back after reading it and vowed to search a bit more later. I went home (can I say home to represent where I'm staying? I'm going to, at least for simplicity's sake) and took a nap. Well, not a nap, it was till 10 at night, which was bad. I can't keep doing that.
I woke up and went off to dinner with Ben, and we found a little Indian place very close to where we're staying. Despite it being 10:30 at night, it was packed. By that logic, it must be good food, and so I convinced Ben we ought eat there. This turned out to be one of my better ideas, because the food was at least as good as any other Indian place I have ever been. Everything smelled amazing, looked great, and tasted divine. The prices were absolutely fine too, and so I know I'll be going back.
Afterward, it was back home and time to study, and then sleep.
All in all, a pretty good first day.

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