Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long time no see

Hello, Bloggosphere!
It's been a while.

I realize I abruptly dropped this blog like it was hot most of the way through my time cavorting around Europe, but now it's time to get down to brass tacks, as they say. Time to hear what I have to say, domestically!

And one of the things that I'd love to discuss, albeit unrelated to linguistics in this case, is The Future. And what an exciting Future it's planning to be!

See, there are things I notice, little patterns or missing things, little tells from corporations and the ebb and flow of technological progress that makes me feel that certain things are bound to happen, and I happen to feel I can guess when they're coming.

Case in point: Hearing about various movies that have come out, I've noticed we as a society (or rather Hollywood as a group?) has been rehashing many of the oldest tales. Myths and tales abound, from the Easter Bunny (the upcoming Hop) to a horror-film remake of the Little Red Riding Hood. So the other day I say "I guarantee there's going to be a Hansel and Gretel movie coming out within the next year or two."
And guess what? There is!
I saw, the next day, an ad for a sequel to an animated Red Riding Hood movie that apparently is about Hansel and Gretel, a slight retelling of the old tale.

Oh, sure, I could just claim I thought of that before seeing the ad!

Well, that was just a warm-up. There are other things out there, and I plan on letting people know about them.

Here's my big prediction for this post: Somewhere in June 7-9 of this year, Netflix is going to make an announcement, probably at E3 (though almost certainly during it, and I won't discount the possibility it's before or after... but I'll stick with my predicted date for now)...
Streaming 3D movies. You heard me!

But how the heck are we going to watch streaming 3D movies? On our 3D TVs? Yes. But not just that, and that's why they will announce it around E3. The 3DS is going to have it.

Oh yeah.

Nintendo has already said their little Wunderkonsole will be getting Netflix. But if the 3DS does 3D... of course. It's a no-brainer!

Still, it hasn't been officially announced by anyone, so this is still a valid prediction.

Also, as a bonus soothsaying, I'd like to say the Wii2 wil be unveiled then too, but no guarantees. We'll see.

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